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Philanthropy Summit

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The strategy of philanthropy

"We have always talked about, when Bono and Bobby Shriver started RED back in 2006, it was a mantra of 'this is not about charity, this is about justice.' And when you look at the AIDS fight and where we are, it is still a crisis, but it should not be."

—Jennifer Lotito,
President and Chief Operating Officer of (RED)

Creating collective impact

"We have some complex problems out there. But there are an amazing number of creative problem solvers, young social entrepreneurs with great ideas, if only they had the resources to fund them more broadly."

—Cecilia Conrad, Chief Executive Officer, Lever for Change

Lifting other up alongside

"We're not getting what we need through the government and through our leaders. So philanthropy is doing everything I can."

—Liz Elting, Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
The Elizabeth Elting Foundation

The gravity of giving

"The core of philanthropy is really a simple question, and that is what can I do?"

—Stellene Volandes, Editor in Chief,
Town and Country Magazine

The positive power of women

"This is a place where investment can really make a difference. The grants that we provide for some of the women's groups that we work with are very small and yet they do so much with them. So the benefit, the return is huge and the impact does continue to ripple."

—Susan Walker, Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
Ibu Movement

The rising generation of philanthropy

"We need to listen to the young people and take those lessons and fold those back into these traditions that we've had for so many years."

—Tad Asbury, Executive Director,
Bridges from School to Work